A history of Finland After the second World War, Finland maintained a policy of neutrality throughout the Cold War. Its foreign policies in general were understandably cautious considering its proximity to the Soviet Union. Instead, Finland cooperated with the other Nordic countries and refused to take a side with any of the superpowers involved in the Cold War. The Nordic Council formulated a passport union in 1952 of which Finland was a part. This union allowed citizens of Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden and Iceland to easily cross borders, obtain jobs and more. This was important to Finland as many of its citizens sought higher paying jobs in Sweden during the 50's and 60's. The 1970's saw Finland recovering remarkably from World War Two and
its economy also took a turn for the better. Finland's GDP rose to a
level that rivaled Japan and the United Kingdom and an education
boom took off as many Finns went abroad to schools in Europe and the
United States. Finland was mainly a capitalist country, which was
unique among most countries bordering the Soviet Union. That form of
economy was widely supported by Finns and savings rates remained
around eight percent until the 1980's, which was among the highest
in the world. © Baltic21.org 2013, All Rights Reserved